installation view

installation view

installation view

installation view
Danai Anasiadou - Eva Berendes - Giulia Cenci - Steven Cox - Koen Delaere - Bas van den Hurk
curated by Whatspace
Studio Grunewald, Ghent (B)
opening 16.04.2015
exhibition 17.04.2015 - 26.04.2015
Neighbours are those beside us, those with whom we share a common ground and with whom we share a view together.
There is something so familiar about the notion of neighbors. Almost as if it doesn’t even need any more attention spend on it, something so logic and done. Still, it turns out to be a notion that you cannot neglect that easily regarding this exhibition; it has its presence (there), it’s not just in the name.
A room filled with five paintings and a bucket on the floor. They stand near each other asking: who are we? Are we the neighbors of this exhibition? And why would that be?
For since the internet took away the necessity of het location and the real place, there’s been this virtual bonding, in which nor time neither a place are needed anymore for a common ground. Anything can stand next to each other, theoretically.
And though many good things followed, internet also became a starting point for a growing physical missing. Comrades need to stand next to each other, for real. So take your neighbors and put their work next to your work in a moment of sharing things from a different world through a network straight down to a real world. Make them stand digital and analog next to each other in one space, here and know, it’s what makes us relate.
Maybe it’s the seeking for abstraction that resembles and connects all the works as a whole. As if together they’re trying to find something by hiding a lot. Giving possible opportunities of what could be or what’s missing.
They do so as neighbours in a place like Ghent, a location which is the periphery and not a real big city with a lot of things going on all the time. So, if you’re nearby and if you missed this, you just missed it. Small towns…actually we’re all just neighbors here.